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Department Announcements
Faculty Research Awards Committee: Congratulations to Prof. Liz Race who has received an Open Access award from FRAC to support a project titled "Timing of pre-retrieval warnings matters in reducing memory errors in a repeated testing."
Graduate Student Council: Congratulations to our graduate students who were recognized at the GSC Three-Minute-Thesis competition in November! Jailekha Zutshi won 2nd place and Crista Falk won the “People’s Choice” Award.
Moses Hunt Professorship: Congratulations to Prof. Holly Taylor, who has been appointed as Moses Hunt Professor of Psychology!
Department Colloquia 2024-2025: For a list of speakers and dates for this year’s department-wide talks, please click here.
Paid Research Participation System: Interested in participating in an experiment? The department now has opportunities for pay that are open to the public. Both online and in-person studies are available. Sign up if you are interested in participating in an experiment.
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